British High Commissioner to India Alex Ellis said, “I understand very well the outrage here at what happened. It was a small group of people who caused some damage to the High Commission. If that happened to our High Commission, I would too.” Just as angry.”

New Delhi British High Commissioner to India Alex Ellis on Wednesday said the damage to the Indian High Commission in London was” not applicable” and he’d be” just as angry” if an analogous incident happed at a UK charge. Then Anant Kendra was addressing a program organized by the association.
He said,’ I understand veritably well the resentment then about what happened. It was a small group of people who caused some damage to the High Commission. However, I would have been inversely angry, If this had happened to our High Commission.” Ellis was pertaining to the vandalization by a pro-Khalistan group at the Indian High Commission in London in March this time. In that incident, an attempt was made to bring down the Indian flag.

He said that India and Britain are able of dealing with collective dissensions, but in the case of Khalistani unreasonableness,’ there is no disagreement’. Not there. What happened at the Indian High Commission wasn’t fair at all.
” Ellis said,” We do not see unreasonableness as an association with any particular group of people. Unreasonableness is a threat in any country. It’s clearly a threat in my country as well.”