Islamabad:The Pakistan Army has blazoned that action will be taken under the Official Secret Act against those who support the violent demonstrations by Imran’s sympathizers. Munir suspects that numerous elderly officers of Pakistan’s army are helping Imran Khan by oohing information. Now medications are on to take veritably strict action against similar army officers. Let us tell you the whole matter.

The Official Intelligence Act in Pakistan is called the Black Law and is punishable by death. Imran’s sympathizers had burnt the house of the Lahore Corps Commander of the Pakistan Army. Let us tell you that this house is also called Jinnah House which was the house of the author of Pakistan. During this, the fraternity commander of Lahore, Lieutenant General Fayaz Ghani had to leave indeed his livery and cap. He was seen contending in front of Imran’s sympathizers on a videotape.

The Core Commander of Lahore supported Imran Khan

Pak military generals got agitated after this videotape surfaced and they removed Lt.Gen. Fayaz from the post and now the demand for court-martial against him is adding. It may be noted that in the meantime, the blurted audio of the family members of Lt.Gen. Fayaz has revealed that in order to save their lives, the family of Lt.Gen. Fayaz had to go to the house of a relative of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan located in the neighborhood. According to The published report, it’s the same Lt Gen Fayaz who opposed General Munir’s policy of battle with Imran Khan.
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